Vertical Gardening: Comprehensive Guide to Plant Walls

House & Hobby

Vertical gardens are no longer a novelty

Although in recent years this style of gardening has become increasingly popular. In fact, it remains a thriving gardening trend as we move forward in time. There are a number of reasons for this.

For starters, they can save a lot of space for those who don’t have enough room to grow an outdoor garden or potted plants indoors. Not to mention the fact that vertical gardens are stunning and can instantly brighten up a space, attracting anyone’s attention.

A vertical garden, also known as a plant wall, is exactly what the name implies. So it is a structure that uses the method of vertically suspended plants, usually using hydroponic techniques, but sometimes planted in the ground.

Instead of the traditional outward growing garden, the vertical garden is an upward reaching landscape. Professional and novice gardeners alike are increasingly adopting this style, especially where space is limited, to make the most of their space.

A vertical garden does just that – it brings life to a corner or area that would not normally allow for the cultivation of a full garden.

In addition, the vertical garden is extremely versatile because it can be an excellent addition to private homes as well as businesses and other community facilities, creating a unique aesthetic and calming atmosphere.

For this reason, there is no doubt that the popularity of vertical gardens will not diminish any time soon. What’s more, vertical gardens are not just beautiful and calming decorations – they can refresh the environment, bring life to any space and remove pollutants from the air.

So vertical gardens are a unique form of landscaping that can enhance the aesthetics of any space, regardless of size, because they can be easily grown indoors and outdoors, no matter how small the space. But they are also practical and much easier to grow as they don’t need weeding.

If you’re thinking about a vertical garden, you probably need more information than just the many benefits, such as being practical, versatile and a stunning addition to your space. Keep reading the rest of this article for more useful details about vertical gardens that can guide you through the whole process.

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Advantages of a vertical garden

By now you may have realised that growing a vertical garden has many advantages. Compared to horizontal gardens, which extend outwards rather than upwards and have their own advantages, vertical gardens are not just a beautiful design idea.

While the aesthetics of a space are definitely improved when you have a vertical garden, there are also benefits that other garden types don’t have, such as the ability to fit into small spaces.

In order to paint a perfect – and accurate – picture, we’ve compiled a list of benefits in this guide so that if you decide to do a vertical garden, you know that this decision can help you in more ways than one.

Without further ado, below are the six benefits of vertical gardening that make this type of landscaping a perennially popular trend:


1. A vertical garden can maximize space

For those of you who are passionate about gardening but don’t have enough space – how many times have you wondered where you can fit all the plants you want to grow?

However, if you own a business, be it a small shop or café, or have limited space in your office for any decorative items, let alone plants, you’ll most likely find it difficult to fit a few potted plants in a place where no one is in the way.

In any of the above cases, there is a viable and recommended solution that can save the day: vertical gardens!

One of the biggest reasons why many people choose to install a vertical garden in their home, office or business is that it can easily fit in any space. In fact, depending on availability, a vertical garden should fit accordingly.

However, it remains the best option and the only one that maximises space. Therefore, the advantage of a vertical garden is that you can make the most of any space, regardless of its size or position.


2. Vertical gardens improve air quality

It is a well-known fact that gardens are an excellent way to improve air quality. Even keeping a few potted plants indoors in an apartment or house can significantly improve the air we breathe. This is due to a simple but vital natural process: photosynthesis.

As plants use sunlight and water, absorb carbon dioxide and in turn produce oxygen, the result is that air quality is significantly improved for humans. This is why even a small number of plants can be of great benefit to the indoor environment.

So, what better way to filter air than a living green wall – your vertical garden? Since it’s attached to the wall, you can maximize space, put more plants on it, and thus provide better air filtration.

So whether you have a vertical garden in your home or office, it’s undeniable that air quality will improve thanks to this green wall’s ability to break down toxins and release oxygen like potted plants could ever do.

So because vertical gardens – and plants in general – can clean the air by increasing humidity and absorbing pollutants while converting carbon dioxide into fresh, clean oxygen, it is undeniable that they can improve overall well-being.

This benefit alone will probably persuade you to make yourself a vertical garden as soon as possible. Plus, don’t forget how stunning this garden looks. The aesthetics will improve in no time, as will the quality of life of those around you.

3. A vertical garden can serve as additional insulation

Did you know that vertical gardens provide effective natural insulation? This is probably a benefit for anyone and any type of facility or property, given that such an effective insulation method can save energy in the location or building.

As a result, you can reduce your expenditure, given that your energy bill can be significantly reduced. And who wouldn’t want that? When you consider this benefit, as well as the fact that a vertical garden can improve air quality, you’ll probably decide to build one.

Vertical gardens provide extra natural insulation for warm or cold air, depending on the time of year. Any homeowner or business owner would want this for the properties where they live or work. It’s no surprise that you want to reduce your energy bills.

And if you can do it with a natural alternative like this, even better. That’s why a vertical garden can add additional layers of natural insulation to your space, keeping a balanced internal temperature. Imagine the fresh air and cool temperatures inside in summer.

Not to mention the improved overall aesthetic, which can also improve your mood and general well-being.

It is essential to mention that if you have a small space, a green wall can still serve as an effective insulator and air purifier. However, it is understandable that this would be on a smaller scale than a vertical garden grown in a large office or larger house. Nevertheless, it is incredibly beneficial. And your budget will be grateful.


4. A vertical garden absorbs unwanted noise

If you think that the insulating qualities of vertical gardens are an unusual aspect, but an advantage nonetheless, you’ll probably be surprised to find that these types of gardens can absorb unwanted noise. If you have problems with your neighbours, this will convince you to build a living green wall immediately. This benefit is not as well known, but it is definitely worth noting.

This absorption can be provided by a living green wall or vertical garden structure, which can reduce the noise level entering the property or building. Even when thinking on a larger scale, such as a motorway, plants have been used as an effective way to reduce traffic noise.

Therefore, a living green wall installed in your home or business can block or reduce higher frequency sounds by acting as a sound insulator (in addition to temperature insulation). All acoustic energy is better absorbed and incoming noise is reduced. It is incredible to think how many benefits plants can provide, and how a vertical garden can provide them on a larger scale.


5. A vertical garden is easier to maintain than a traditional garden

If you have the space and opportunity to grow a traditional garden, you know how tedious it can be to maintain. While tending a backyard garden and seeing the plants and flowers bloom can give you great satisfaction, maintaining it properly can be a challenge.

And even if you don’t have the opportunity to grow a traditional garden, it’s not news that this endeavor involves a lot of weeding and usually a lot of physical activity. As passionate as one may be, it is undeniable that it can be exhausting at times.

But if you grow a vertical garden, this will no longer be a problem. If you choose to make a living green wall, you’ll save a lot of time and effort in caring for your plants. Irrigation of a vertical garden is much easier to manage than watering potted plants or the whole traditional garden.

Plus, if you need to prune your plants or simply tend to them, it won’t be too difficult. Instead, it becomes a relaxing activity that you can enjoy to the fullest.

This is not to say that gardens grown horizontally are not a pleasure. For some people, however, maintaining them is a difficult task.

In this case, the option of growing a vertical garden is better suited to their needs. And let’s not forget all the other benefits mentioned so far – it’s easy to convince anyone to grow a living green wall!

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6. A vertical garden can save water

Last but not least, the important benefit is that you can save water with a vertical garden. So, this type of gardening can not only reduce your energy bills by providing natural insulation, but it can also save water, reducing consumption.

In a nutshell – vertical gardens are an environmentally friendly solution. Therefore, growing a living green wall is a sustainable practice, even more so if you choose to grow something as well.

In a vertical garden, watering requires much less effort and you can choose to do it manually, by installing a drip irrigation system or a hydroponic system.

Such systems provide nutrient-rich water for your living green wall, which you can control depending on the type of plant you want to grow.

The remaining water is stored in a tray and you can choose to drain it or reuse it in your vertical garden. You therefore save water as waste is significantly reduced compared to other forms of gardens.

Even if you don’t reuse the water, the amount left over is much smaller thanks to irrigation systems, which allows for better water management.


What types of plants can you grow in a vertical garden?

When growing a vertical garden, it’s very important to know what types of plants to put on the green wall. If you know what lush vegetation to plant, you can create a great collection of plants that will make up your vertical garden.

Then witness how a simple and rather bleak wall can be transformed into a vibrant display – literally.

So the plants that perform best in a vertical garden are grasses, possums, perennial shrubs, herbs and ferns.

When choosing plants, it’s important to consider a number of factors.

In addition to the aesthetics you want to achieve, which require creativity and even thinking outside the box, you need to take into account the living conditions so that the plants can thrive.

This means thinking about the direction of the wall – should it face north or south? Making a note of this will help you choose the types of plants to grow in a vertical garden.

So depending on your choice, you’ll need plants that require direct sunlight or plants that grow well in partial shade.

For example, ferns will thrive in a vertical garden if you place them in shade. So if your wall is not in an area with excellent sunlight, you may want to grow ferns and shade lilies, for example. For a splash of colour, you can add Japanese iris, as they grow well in partial shade.

Alternatively, if your vertical garden is exposed to direct sunlight or partial bright light, your plant collection could include ivy geraniums, hoya or orchid varieties.

The choice of plant species for a green wall is a matter of personal preference, the creativity of the owner and the desired design style. But above all, choosing the right plants for the conditions available.

A thriving virtual garden will enhance the aesthetics of the environment and provide the aforementioned beneficial qualities.


Where can I grow a vertical garden?

As mentioned earlier, vertical gardens are one of the most functional and versatile gardening methods.

Raising a living green wall is not a difficult task and even if you are a beginner gardener, you can still choose this type of gardening, considering that it is relatively easy to maintain. And it can be a great pleasure to tend a vertical garden and watch it grow beautifully.

Whether you have a small or large room, or want to improve the aesthetics of your home or office, vertical gardens can be adapted to any environment and available space.

The functionality of a vertical garden is remarkable; from maximising space to improving air quality, it can be grown almost anywhere. It’s important to choose the plants that perform best in a vertical garden to get the most out of them. Only then can you truly enjoy growing and maintaining this wonderful green wall.


In conclusion

This complete guide to vertical gardens has revealed just how easy it is to maintain this gardening style and how it can fit perfectly into any space, maximising it and enhancing its aesthetics.

What’s more, there are a number of benefits to choosing to build a vertical garden, making it not only practical but an excellent option for those with limited space.

Vertical gardens can also be very beneficial to health. With its ability to improve air quality by purifying the air, providing natural insulation, saving energy and reducing noise, there is no doubt that vertical gardens are an excellent addition to homes, businesses and other establishments.

Common Questions

Q: What is vertical gardening?
A: Vertical gardening is a method of growing plants on vertically inclined surfaces, such as walls, fences, trellises, or even poles.


Q: What are the benefits of vertical gardening?
A: Some benefits of vertical gardening include space-saving, reduced soil erosion, easier access to plants, and improved air and light circulation.


Q: What types of plants can be grown in vertical gardens?
A: Most types of plants can be grown in vertical gardens, including vegetables, herbs, flowering plants, and succulents.


Q: How do I set up a vertical garden?
A: To set up a vertical garden, you’ll need a vertical surface, planting containers, a watering system, and appropriate plants. You can also use special structures like trellises, wall-mounted planters, or hanging baskets.


Q: What materials can be used for vertical gardening containers?
A: Vertical gardening containers can be made from a variety of materials, including plastic, metal, wood, and fabric.


Q: How do I water my vertical garden?
A: You can water your vertical garden by hand, using a watering can or hose, or by installing a drip irrigation system.


Q: How do I choose plants for my vertical garden?
A: When choosing plants for your vertical garden, consider the amount of light the area receives, the size and growth habit of the plants, and their water and soil requirements.


Q: How do I care for my vertical garden?
A: To care for your vertical garden, make sure to water it regularly, fertilize the soil, and prune plants as needed. You should also check the plants for pests and diseases, and take steps to control them if necessary.


Q: Can I grow food in a vertical garden?
A: Yes, you can grow food in a vertical garden, including vegetables, fruits, and herbs.


Q: Can I grow plants year-round in a vertical garden?
A: Yes, with the right set up and care, you can grow plants year-round in a vertical garden. Consider using grow lights, insulating materials, and proper temperature control.

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